
Look who's talking!

Tom Van den Bulck

Tim Ysewyn

Stream Processing Live Traffic Data with Kafka Streams [Workshop]

Tom Van den Bulck & Tim Ysewyn - Ordina

In this workshop we will set up a streaming framework which will process realtime data of traffic sensors installed within the Belgian road system.

Starting with the intake of the data, you will learn best practices and the recommended approach to split the information into events in a way that won’t come back to haunt you.

With some basic stream operations (count, filter, … ) you will get to know the data and experience how easy it is to get things done with Spring Boot & Spring Cloud Stream.

But since simple data processing is not enough to fulfill all your streaming needs, we will also let you experience the power of windows. After this workshop, tumbling, sliding and session windows hold no more mysteries and you will be a true streaming wizard.

In order to get the most out of this workshop we expect you to have some prior knowledge about Spring Boot and Spring Intergration. (or Enterprise Integration Patterns)